Butterfly Timo Boll Spirit data and reviews

Manufacturer data
Speed 8.3 / 12
Control 7.9 / 12
Weight 89g
Plies 7
Materials 5 wood plies (Koto, Limba, Kiri), 2 Arylate-carbon (ALC)

User data
Compositionkoto - arylate/carbon - limba - kiri - limba - arylate/carbon - koto

Blades with same composition(closest in thickness listed first):
Blade NameSpeedControlHardnessStiffnessOverallThickness
Butterfly Timo Boll ALC9.
Butterfly Zhang Jike ALC9.
Butterfly Viscaria9.
Dawei GTO8.
Mishima Butterfly Viscaria

Blades with similar user data(speed, control, hardness, stiffness; closest in characteristics listed first):
Blade NameSpeedControlHardnessStiffnessOverall
Friendship/729 Bomb8.
Xiom Aria8.
Donic Epox Offensiv8.
Yasaka Extra Special8.
Yasaka Ma Lin Carbon8.
Butterfly Timo Boll Forte8.
Butterfly Michael Maze8.
Donic Persson Dotec OFF8.
Donic Baum Esprit8.
Stiga Clipper8.

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for me its overrated blade, but for the most of the players its best choise because of ballance bettwen speed and control ... i had problem with 3rd ball ..jbgwtf
I had three of them, all three played differently. Never liked them too much, although I had periods of good results. Tried various rubbers, acuda s2 1.8 on fh and rakza 7 1.8 on bh were good for allround game style. For more looping style it's better with thicker rubbers, but I never adjusted to lower throw, couldn't finish point easily. Also I feel that you have to go through the ball with every shoot, which requires good tt skill. For me Viscaria is much better, due to slightly higher throw angle, easier for loop.ivan