Stiga Allround Oversize data and reviews

Manufacturer data
Speed 70 / 127
Control 70 / 127
Weight 90 +/- 5g
Plies 5
Materials Limba outer plies

User data
Compositionlimba - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba

Blades with same composition(closest in thickness listed first):
Blade NameSpeedControlHardnessStiffnessOverallThickness
Stiga Allround Classic6.
Imperial Master Line Allround5.6
Xiom Offensive S7.
Donic Waldner Black Power7.
Dawei Genote Quattro A+
Stiga Energy Wood
Dawei Quattro Allround Limba8.
Stiga Tube Allround
Sword V6
Stiga Tube Offensive WRB8.
Stiga Tube Allround WRB7.
Stiga Energy WRB7.
Stiga Allround NCT7.
Stiga Allround Evolution7.
SpinLord Ultra Allround
Donic Waldner Allplay7.
TTL Impuls

Blades with similar user data(speed, control, hardness, stiffness; closest in characteristics listed first):
Blade NameSpeedControlHardnessStiffnessOverall
Stiga Allround Classic Oversize WRB6.
Donic Appelgren Allplay Senso V26.
Donic Appelgren Allplay6.
Nittaku Torua7.

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